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The Hon. George Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario delivered the Morris A. Gross Memorial Lecture hosted by the Asper Centre on January 19th, 2017

  By Peter Boisseau / Photography by Oliver Salathiel Judges should demonstrate “humility and humanity” when dealing with court cases involving Indigenous peoples, Ontario Chief Justice George Strathy, told a … Read More

Asper Centre’s fireside chat delves into the future of Charter litigation in Canada

Should a government pay for its citizens to challenge the constitutionality of that government’s laws?  How reliable is a government’s commitment to provide this kind of funding?  More generally, is … Read More

Asper Centre discusses Legal Professionalism and Ethics with Law Students

It is well-known that lawyers are bound to the highest of ethical standards arising from the Law Society’s rules of professional conduct and ethics.  While law students are officially not … Read More