Asper Centre in the News


Canadian Lawyer, “State can be liable for damages for passing unconstitutional laws that infringe Charter rights: SCC” quoting Neil Abraham (Counsel for the Asper Centre in Canada (Attorney General) v Power)

Law360 Canada “Public school boards are bound by Charter; tribunals’ Charter rulings reviewed for correctness: SCC” quoting Asper Centre Executive Director Cheryl Milne

Calgary Herald, “Court challenge expected after Alberta details changes to transgender care” quoting Asper Centre Executive Director Cheryl Milne


U of T Law News, “Asper Centre celebrates 15th anniversary.”

Law360 Canada, “Asper Centre names constitutional litigator in residence for fall 2023.”

The Globe and Mail, “Revised Isolation Techniques for Prisoners remain unconstitutional, Lawyers Argue” quoting Asper Centre 2023 Summer Fellow Rebecca Rabinovitch.

Leader Post, “UR Pride, Sask. Government Both Seeking Costs in Pronoun Policy Case” quoting Asper Centre Executive Director Cheryl Milne


CIAJ conference emphasizes ‘fundamental’ right of dignity in Canadian law | The Lawyers’ Daily featuring Asper Centre ED Cheryl Milne discussing the concept and importance of dignity in Canadian law at the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice’s (CIAJ) annual conference.

Supreme Court can’t ignore equality rights claims of refugees | The Star Op-Ed mentioning the Asper Centre’s joint-intervention with LEAF and West-Coast Leaf in the Supreme Court’s hearing into the constitutionality of the Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement, where the focus of our intervention was on the appellants’ section 15 equality claim.  

The Globe and Mail, “Supreme Court Ruling Over Constitutional Challenges Helps Public Interest Groups” comments by Cheryl Milne on the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Council of Canadians with Disabilities.

The Lawyer’s Daily: “SCC sheds new light on test, evidence required for public interest standing in court challenges” featuring comments by Cheryl Milne on the law of public interest standing and the decision

The Toronto Star: “Inquiry into Emergencies Act must be public and tackle the difficult questions” article co-written by Cheryl Milne

The Lawyer’s Daily: “SCC’s winter term features Charter cases on sentencing, public-interest standing and speedy trials” featuring comments by Cheryl Milne on the law of public interest standing

CBC News Prince Edward Island, “Access to Government Information on Children Being Curbed, says P.E.I. Child Advocate

Canada’s National Observer, “Meaza Damte Knows the Kids Will be Alright” featuring Asper Centre working group member Meaza Damte

CBC News Saskatchewan, “13-year-old from Saskatoon Joins Nationwide Effort to Lower Voting Age in Canada

CBC News North, “A Voice, A Vote: Iqaluit Youth Help Push Forward Court Challenge to Lower Canada’s Voting Age

The Globe and Mail: “Quebec’s expansion of COVID-19 vaccine passports to liquor, pot stores likely sound, legal experts say” featuring comments by Cheryl Milne on the legality of the expansion

CTV News, “Do Vaccine Mandates Violate Canadians’ Charter Rights?” featuring comments by Cheryl Milne


CBC News: “Old enough to choose: The case for letting younger Canadians vote” including comments by Cheryl Milne.

CBC News: “Young Canadians launch court challenge to lower federal voting age from 18” news article about our constitutional challenge to the voting age

The Ottawa Citizen: Asper Centre Indigenous Rights Working Group (2020) leaders and JD students Lavalee Forbes and Maggie Shi write Op-Ed about RCMP oversight.

The Canadian Bar Association: Cheryl Milne comments on the use of the notwithstanding clause.


The Lawyer’s Daily: After long delays, R. v. Morris  is expected to be heard by the Court of Appeal in the fall and will include 10 interveners, including the Asper Centre.

The Globe and Mail: Professor Kent Roach, chair of the Asper Centre’s Advisory Group, publishes op-ed with Ian Scott on RCMP misconduct and oversight.

The Star: The Asper Centre’s factum on R v. Morris  was mentioned in a piece about systemic racism in sentencing.

The Lawyer’s Daily: Cheryl Milne comments on minority language education rights in the context of the Supreme Court case Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique v. British Columbia. The Asper Centre intervened in this case.

CBC News, CTV News, The Cut (New York): Professor Kent Roach, chair of the Asper Centre’s Advisory Group, was interviewed about terrorism charges in Canada in the wake of an “incel-inspired” stabbing in Toronto. Nader Hasan, member of the Advisory Group, also commented in the CBC article.

CBC News, New York Times: Professor Kent Roach, chair of the Asper Centre’s Advisory Group, comments on Indigenous police services in the context of the Wet’suwet’en protests.

Law Times: Report on the Asper Centre’s constitutional challenge to the minimum voting age.

CBA News Blog: The Canadian Bar Association’s Constitutional Human Rights Section is sponsoring a resolution to urge the federal and provincial governments to establish guidelines for the use of section 33. Cheryl Milne is the mover of the resolution.

CBC Hear and Now: Cheryl Milne and clinic student Keely Kinley speak about the Asper Centre’s constitutional challenge to the minimum voting age.

The Columbus Dispatch: Yasmin Dawood, member of the Asper Centre’s Advisory Group, sat on an election cybersecurity panel at Ohio State University.


Winnipeg Free Press: Professor Kent Roach, chair of the Asper Centre’s Advisory Group, interviewed on the increase of class-action lawsuits in Canada.

The Lawyer’s Daily: Cheryl Milne comments on the Supreme Court’s decision in Spencer Dean Bird v. Her Majesty the Queen. The Asper Centre intervened in this case.

CBC News: Nader Hasan, member of the Advisory Group, alongside Professor Anver Emon, provides pro bono legal services for University of Toronto students contacted by Canadian Intelligence or the RCMP.

CBC News: Anna Su, member of the Advisory Group, comments on the merits of a potential freedom of religion claim by the Sanctuary of the Rastafarian Order Ministry.

Canada Newswire: Cheryl Milne is one of the law professionals honoured at the 2019 Law Society Awards. She received the Law Society medal.


CBC: Cheryl Milne comments on the administrative law effects of the Supreme Court’s decision in Law Society of British Colombia v. Trinity Western University.

CBC: Cheryl Milne comments on Premier Ford’s use of the Notwithstanding Clause.

New York Times: Yasmin Dawood, member of the Advisory Group, comments on the use of the notwithstanding clause in the context of City of Toronto v. Attorney General of Ontario et al.


The Lawyer’s Daily: Breese Davies, the Asper Centre’s constitutional litigator in residence, comments on prison reform.

Globe and Mail: John Norris (Simcoe Chambers), outside counsel for the Asper Centre in its intervention, commented on the Supreme Court’s decision in Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the Republic of India v. Surjit Singh Badesha, et al.

CBC Radio: Cheryl Milne was interviewed on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning about the 35th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Lawyer’s Daily: Cheryl Milne and WeirFoulds LLP’s Raj Anand, the Asper Centre’s constitutional litigator in residence, are featured in this article on the Jessica Ernst v. Alberta Energy Regulator case being heard at the Supreme Court of Canada. The Asper Centre intervened in this case.


CityNews: Cheryl Milne on the tangible limits the Supreme Court of Canada may set on trial delays


Globe and Mail: Professor Kent Roach and Craig Forcese (University of Ottawa) analyze the new law that enables Canada to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens convicted of terrorism offences (“Banishment is a poor tool in fight against terrorism”)

Globe and Mail: Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on the controversial police practice of carding in light of a law student’s challenge against the practice’s constitutionality.

The Lawyer’s Daily: Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on the ruling in R v Kokopenace, which held that jury representativeness does not require the government to remedy the lack of First Nations on-reserve residents on juries.

Legal Feeds: Cheryl Milne comments on the R v. Kokopenance ruling and the ramifications it has for First Nations jury representation. The Asper Centre intervened in this case.

National Post: Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on the Ontario Government’s proposal to create an administrative monetary penalty system to handle Highway Traffic Act infractions.

News Talk 980 CKNW : Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on the Supreme Court of Canada decision on Henry v. Her Majesty the Queen. The Asper Centre intervened in this case.

Global News: Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on whether an Indiana-style freedom of religion law could pass in Canada


Globe and Mail: In this Op-Ed, Cheryl Milne analyzes the Alberta Court of Appeal decision that Omar Khadr should serve his sentence as a young offender rather than an adult (“One small step toward justice for Omar Khadr”).

Toronto Star: Cheryl Milne is asked for comment on the recent decision in Hamilton Health Sciences v D.H. which allowed an first nations mother to withdraw her child from chemotherapy in favour of traditional medicine.


The New York Times: Cheryl Milne on the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Canada v Bedford.

The Law Times: Report on the Asper Centre’s 2013-2013 Constitutional Litigator in Residence, John Norris.

Torontoist: An article on the panel discussion on R v. Morgentaler presented by the Asper Centre.


The Walrus: Joseph Arvay, the Asper Centre’s Constitutional Litigator in Residence is profiled in the October 2012 magazine.

Maclean’s: Advisory Group Chair Kent Roach and Professor Audrey Macklin quoted in “Harper v. The Judges,” about the courts as government opposition, by UofT Law Student Andrew Stobo Sniderman.

Toronto Star: Professor Audrey Macklin on the government’s failure to fulfill its promise to accept Omar Khadr’s transfer to a Canadian prison.

CBC Radio: Professor Audrey Macklin interviewed on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning about Bill C-31, the omnibus immigration bill.

Legal Post: U of T Law students Denise Cooney, Jeremy Nemers, Hayley Peglar and Michael Sabet win the Wilson Moot.


Vancouver Sun: Executive Director Cheryl Milne’s submissions in the Polygamy Reference.

Vancouver Sun: Coverage of closing arguments in the Polygamy Reference, including those of Executive Director Cheryl Milne.

Toronto Star: Constitutional Conventions workshop hosted by the Asper Centre is referenced in an article about a potential coalition government in Canada.


The Canadian Press (as reported on Brent Olthuis, pro bono counsel for the Asper Centre and the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children quoted on our opening statement to the court in the Polygamy Reference case.

Globe and Mail: Professor Sujit Choudhry awarded a $225,000.00 Trudeau Foundation Fellowship for his work on post-conflict constitutional law.

Globe and Mail: Faculty members on the Asper Centre Advisory weigh in on the government’s announcement that they will not seek Omar Khadr’s return.

Globe and Mail: Professor Audrey Macklin, IHRP Acting director Diana Juricevic, and Asper Centre Executive Director Cheryl Milne publish Op-ed on Prime Minister of Canada v. Omar Khadr.

Globe and Mail: Chair of the Asper Centre Advisory Group, Professor Sujit Choudhry comments on Prime Minister of Canada v. Omar Khadr.

La Presse: Executive Director Cheryl Milne comments on Prime Minister of Canada v. Omar Khadr.


CTV News: Executive Director Cheryl Milne comments on the arguments in the Supreme Court of Canada in Prime Minister of Canada v. Omar Khadr.

The Toronto Star: Executive Director Cheryl Milne comments on the Asper Centre’s brief on the practice of conducting background checks of potential jurors in criminal trials.

CBC’s The Current: Executive Director Cheryl Milne spoke on Friday May 22, 2009 about the principle of the best interests of the child in relation to parental freedoms and liberty rights in a child protection case in Winnipeg.

The Toronto Star: Executive Director Cheryl Milne comments on R v. D.B. and Advisory Group Member Professor Kent Roach comments on Charkaoui v. Canada at the Osgoode Charter Conference.


The National Law Journal: Q&A: Inside Canada’s Unprecedented Suspension of Parliament, interview with Advisory Group Member, Professor Lorraine Weinrib.

The National Post: Op Ed by Professors Lorne Sossin and Lorraine Weinrib on Canada’s constitutional crisis.