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Parliamentary Democracy Book Launch

PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS: The Dilemmas, Choices and Future of Parliamentary Government in Canada Edited by Lorne Sossin and Peter Russell, published by University of Toronto Press Faculty of Law, Flavelle House, Rowell Room Our distinguished panelists discussed the future of Canada’s democracy: lessons learned and where to we go from here. This is the ... Read More

Clinical Course Deadline

Monday, June 15, 2009, at 4:00 PM Deadline for upper year students to submit their application for the fall 2009 term of the Asper Centre Clinical Legal Education Course.

Student Working Groups Information Session

U. of T. law students are invited to attend an information session on the various working groups of the Asper Centre. Volunteers are needed to participate in the following groups over the course of the school year: • Emerging Constitutional Issues • The Charter and Canadian Citizens Abroad • The Internet Surveillance Working Group • ... Read More

Workshop on Exclusion of Evidence Cases

Grant, Harrison, Shepherd & Suberu: The Supreme Court Decisions of the Summer of 2009 Watch the Webcast On July 17, 2009, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its long awaited decisions in R. v. Grant, R. v. Harrison, R. v. Shepherd and R. v. Suberu clarifying the law in respect of the exclusion of ... Read More

Workshop: Human Rights at the UK Supreme Court

David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights and the International Human Rights Program Present Michael Fordham, QC Human Rights at the UK Supreme Court   A light lunch will be served. Michael Fordham QC is a leading public law and human rights barrister in London ( His awards have included Human Rights Lawyer of the Year ... Read More

Prime Minister of Canada et al. v. Omar Khadr

Students and Faculty are welcome to come and watch the live webcast of the argument at the Supreme Court of Canada in Prime Minister of Canada, et al. v. Omar Khadr. The Asper Centre and the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) have been granted standing in the case as interveners with Human Rights Watch. Professor ... Read More

Workshop: The Charter Rights of Canadian Citizens Abroad

What duties does the Canadian government owe to Canadian citizens when they are outside of the country? Is there such a thing as a legal duty to protect citizens from harm, or seek their repatriation when they have suffered harm? What are the rules, post Hape and Khadr, governing the extraterritorial application of the Charter, ... Read More

Albie Sachs: The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law

Albie Sachs: The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law (Oxford University Press, 2009) Friday, January 15, 2010 3:00 – 4:00 (to be followed by a reception) Faculty of Law, Flavelle House, Room FLB   Should a judge be an instrument of pure, detached reason, or a person imbued with human empathy? Albie Sachs, appointed by ... Read More

Intellectual Influences on Australian Federalism

Nicholas Aroney - TC Beirne School of Law, U. of Queensland This paper utilizes the Australian experience of federation, 1890–1901, as a vehicle for the discussion of the leading conceptions of federalism extant in the late nineteenth-century English-speaking world. In particular, the paper examines the federal theories of James Madison, James Bryce, Edward Freeman, Albert Dicey and ... Read More

The Khadr Decision: A Just Result?

The Supreme Court of Canada released its unanimous decision in Prime Minister of Canada et al. v. Omar Khadr on Friday, January 29, 2010. It declared that the Canadian government is violating Omar Khadr's right to life, liberty and security under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The court denounced the use of torture in ... Read More

Overdue Update or Big Brother? Lawful Access and Cyber Surveillance

As rapidly advancing communication technology transforms so many aspects of human interaction it is crucial for public safety that investigative powers remain relevant to the rapidly evolving methods of crime. However, these methods must not too broadly infringe on the rights and liberties of Canadian Citizens. In 2009, two bills, C- 46 and C-47, were ... Read More

Canadian Federalism and Treaty Powers: Organic Constitutionalism at Work

Hugo Cyr - Université du Québec à Montréal ABSTRACT: With the increased mobility and interdependence brought on by globalisation, governments can no longer deal effectively with what were traditionally regarded as «domestic issues» unless they cooperate among themselves. International law may once have been a sort of inter-state law concerned mostly with relations between states, ... Read More

Clinic Information Session

Information session on clinical opportunities Please join all the clinics for a joint information session about for-credit clinical opportunities in second and third year. Presenters will include: Asper Centre, DLS, Health Law and Equity Clinic, and the IHRP. Each clinic will review the type of cases/projects pursued, admission requirements and application details. For more information, ... Read More

Constitutional Roundtable – Marci Hamilton

Marci Hamilton - Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law The Rules Against Scandal and What They Mean For the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses NOTE: Room change to FLA in Flavelle House. MARCI A. HAMILTON is one of the United States’ leading church/state scholars and holds the Paul R. Verkuil Chair in Public Law at the ... Read More

Criminalization of Polygamy: Constitutional or Not?

Join us for a panel discussion on the upcoming reference at the British Columbia Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of s. 293 of the Criminal Code which prohibits polygamy in Canada. This case has attracted wide interest, and will involve various interveners, including the Asper Centre together with the Canadian Coalition for Children and Youth, ... Read More

Clinical Course Deadline 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010, at 4:00 PM Deadline for upper year students to submit their application for the fall 2010 term of the Asper Centre Clinical Legal Education Course.

Who Belongs? Rights, Benefits, Obligations and Immigration Status

The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights is co-sponsor, with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, of a two day conference at the Faculty of Law on September 24th and 25th, 2010. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is undertaking a research project on the status of immigrant in Canadian society. Immigration status – whether it be ... Read More

Is none still too many?

Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Constitutional Roundtable presents James Hathaway, University of Michigan Law School Audrey Macklin, University of Toronto Faculty of Law Lorne Waldman, Lorne Waldman and Associates Is None Still Too Many? Asylum Seekers on Boats, Then and Now, Here and There 12:30 – 2:00 Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Classroom C – ... Read More

G20 Workshop

Project G20 Inaugural Panel: Protecting Rights in the Aftermath of the G20 Summit in Toronto Project G20, a student-led working group of the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, invites the legal community and the public at large to attend its inaugural panel entitled “Protecting Rights in the Aftermath of the G20 Summit in Toronto.” ... Read More

Acts of Attrition

Mary Eberts, S.J.D. Candidate, University of Toronto Faculty of Law October 12, 2010


Speaker: Aharon Barak, President of the Supreme Court of Israel (Emeritus) This essay focuses on proportionality stricto sensu as a consequential test of balancing. The basic balancing rule establishes a general criterion for deciding between the marginal benefit to the public good and the marginal limit to human rights. Based on the Israeli constitutional jurisprudence, ... Read More

The Decriminalization of Prostitution in Ontario: Perspectives on Bedford v. Canada

In the recent landmark case Bedford v. Canada, Justice Himmel of the Ontario Superior Court held that three provisions of the Criminal Code that criminalize facets of prostitution—living on the avails of prostitution, keeping a common bawdy house and communicating in a public place for the purpose of engaging in prostitution—infringe the core values protected ... Read More

Symposium: The Role of Interveners in Public Interest Litigation

Friday, November 6th, 2010 Sign in and Registration: 8:30 a.m. Public interest litigation can have a significant impact on public policy in Canada. Although Charter and other public interest litigation is most often commenced by individual claimants who are challenging laws that affect them individually, the test case litigant is often supported or opposed by ... Read More

Workshop: The Interrogation Trilogy

In three cases released on October 8, 2010, the Supreme Court added the third story in what the Court described as the "interrogation trilogy" (R. v. Oickle, R. v. Singh and R. v. Sinclair). Oickle spoke to the types of techniques that officers can legally use to persuade someone to confess, including the use of ... Read More

Symposium on U.N. Security Council Resolution 1267

The Asper Centre with the International Human Rights Program and Canadian Civil Liberties Association present Symposium on the Impact of Targeted Anti-terrorist Sanctions on Charter and International Human Rights Program: 9:00 a.m. Welcome: Renu Mandhane, International Human Rights Program Key Note Speaker: Judge Kimberly Prost, UN Ombudsperson for Al Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions 9:45 – ... Read More

Reference re. Constitutionality of s.293 of the Criminal Code of Canada

The hearing in the Court reference on the constitutionality of the polygamy prohibition in the Criminal Code of Canada commences in the British Columbia Supreme Court.   Event date: Monday, November 22, 2010, at 2:28 PM Location: British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver, British Columbia  

Becoming Supreme: How Federalism Fosters Judicial Power

Barry Friedman New York University Law School One of the longstanding, beguiling questions among scholars in several disciplines is how judicial power gains traction. Why do those setting up governments create an independent judiciary, why or how does judicial review get a foothold, and most important, what is the fount of judiciall supremacy? Theories abound, ... Read More

Freedom of expression and the G20 — from the summit to today

A screening of selections from Adam Letalik's documentary Toronto G20 Exposed followed by a panel discussion on Charter rights, particularly focused on the impact on freedom of expression. The panel will feature criminal lawyer John Norris on G20-related bail conditions, Prof. David Schneiderman on Charter issues pertaining to the summit weekend including the Public Works ... Read More

Constitutional Roundtable

Is Coalition Government in Britain here to stay? Professor Robert Hazell University College London   Thursday, February 3, 2011 4:00-5:30 p.m. Bennett Lecture Hall, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law   Prof Robert Hazell is Director of the Constitution Unit at University College London, the UK’s leading research centre on constitutional reform. He was originally a ... Read More

Symposium: Funding the Charter Challenge

Event date: Friday, April 01, 2011, from 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM Location: Bennet Lecture Hall, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, Universtity of Toronto Legal experts in practice and the academy provide information and commentary on the availability of funding for some of the most significant litigation in the country. How can you obtain advanced ... Read More

Morris A. Gross Memorial Lecture

Marlys Edwardh   Friday, April 1, 2011 4:30 p.m. (Reception to follow) Bennett Lecture Hall Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Reflecting on a distinguished career in law involving some of the most significant court cases in the country, Marlys Edwardh will address the challenges of funding important test case litigation. Her lecture caps off ... Read More

Clinical Legal Education Information Session

Event date: Tuesday, April 05, 2011, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Location: Room FLB, Flavelle House Meet the Program Directors and find out how to apply for the Asper Clinic as well as the International Human Rights Program clinic and Downtown Legal Services for the next academic year. A light lunch will be provided.

Clinic Application Deadline

CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: DAVID ASPER CENTRE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (LAW391H1F) University of Toronto, Faculty of Law students wishing to apply for this course must email a 1-2 page statement of interest to Cheryl Milne, by June 20, 2011. Please indicate the following: (a) previous upper-year courses in constitutional law or human rights law or ... Read More

G20: Lessons Learned, Messages Lost

Event date: Thursday, June 23, 2011, at 6:30 PM Location: Bennett Lecture Hall, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law CLICK HERE FOR THE LIVE WEBCAST

Working Group Call for Proposals

The Asper Centre working groups aim to provide U of T students with an opportunity to conduct legal research and assist in advocacy on Canadian constitutional rights issues (often in partnership with an external organization). The Asper Centre requires all potential working groups (including existing working groups) to submit a written proposal for consideration by ... Read More

Volunteer Information Session

Event date: Monday, September 12, 2011, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Location: Bennett Lecture Hall All U of T law students wishing to participate in this year's working groups must come to this information session. The possible working groups include the following: Response to Proposed Crime Bills: Students will be researching the legal issues ... Read More

The Canadian Judicial Appointment Process

Constitutional Roundtable presents The Canadian Judicial Appointment Process: Where Are We? Where Are We Going? Peter H. Russell, University Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto Jacob Ziegel, University of Toronto Faculty of Law 12:30 – 2:00 Thursday, September 15, 2011 Classroom A – Flavelle House 78 Queen’s Park Peter H. Russell has published widely in the ... Read More

Call for Papers Deadline

Call for Conference Papers Charter Litigation and the Use of Social Science Evidence: After thirty years what have we learned? What could we do better? University of Toronto, St. George Campus – March 23& 24, 2012 The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights invites papers for its upcoming conference. This multi-disciplinary event will create opportunities ... Read More

Reference Re Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Implications of the Supreme Court’s Decision November 4-5, 2011 Bennett Lecture Hall Faculty of Law University of Toronto 78 Queen’s Park Cres, Toronto, ON The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in the Reference re. the Assisted Human Reproduction Act this past spring, striking down some sections and leaving others intact on constitutional grounds. ... Read More

Free Brown Bag Lunch Discussion

Reference re. Assisted Human Reproduction Act Implications of the Supreme Court’s Decision The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in the Reference re. the Assisted Human Reproduction Act this past spring, striking down some sections and leaving others intact on constitutional grounds. What does this mean for future practice and regulation in this area? ... Read More

Catholic Schools and Gay Students Associations

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE Co-sponsored by Out in Law Speakers: R. Douglas Elliott, Noa Mendelsohn Aviv, Robert Keel Monday, November 28, 2011 12:30 – 2:00 Bennett Lecture Hall, Flavelle House 78 Queen’s Park Recently, gay students within Ontario's Catholic school system have encountered problems that raise legal and constitutional concerns. When students at a high school in ... Read More

Lawyers and the Media – In the Public Interest

The media often shows intense interest in the court cases that shape social policy in Canada. Constitutional and human rights related cases such as the recent Insite decision (Canada (Attorney General) v PHS Community Services Society), the Polygamy Reference Case, Bedford v Canada (prostitution challenge), as well as a number of national security cases have ... Read More

U of T Law Faculty Members Comment on the Polygamy Reference

The British Columbia Supreme Court released its decision in the Ref. Re. S.293 of the Criminal Code of Canada (Polygamy Reference) on November 23rd. With a length of over 280 pages, the case provides the most comprehensive judical record on the subject of polygamy ever produced. Legal arguments were presented by the Attorney General of ... Read More

The Omnibus Crime Bill: Bill C-10

On September 20th, 2011, federal justice minister Rob Nicholson tabled Bill C-10, the Safe Streets and Communities Act. Forty five sitting days later, on December 5th, the bill passed in the House of Commons. The bill includes several reforms in our criminal justice system, including new mandatory minimum sentences and the elimination of conditional sentences ... Read More

Working Group Call for Proposals

The Asper Centre working groups aim to provide U of T students with an opportunity to conduct legal research and assist in advocacy on Canadian constitutional rights issues (often in partnership with an external organization). The Asper Centre requires all potential working groups (including existing working groups) to submit a written proposal for consideration by ... Read More

The Rule of Law as a Constitutional Essential

Dr. Pavlos Eleftheriadis (University Lecturer & Fellow in Law, University of Oxford) Abstract: The United Kingdom constitution endorses both parliamentary sovereignty and the rule of law as constitutional principles of the highest rank. The relations between the two have been a source of great puzzles, legal and philosophical. In this paper Professor Eleftheriadis attempts to ... Read More

Counsel and expert witness reflect on Carter v Canada

Prof. Wayne Sumner (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Toronto, expert witness on ethics in the Carter case) and Joseph Arvay, Q.C. (counsel for the plaintiffs in Carter and leading constitutional litigator) will reflect on the landmark British Columbia Supreme Court decision, Carter v Canada 2012 BCSC 886. Joseph J. Arvay, QC holds law degrees ... Read More

The Disallegiant Heart: Constitutional Citizenship and the History of Marital Denaturalization

Helen Irving, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney Abstract: In this paper, I invite a reconceptualization of constitutional (as distinct from political) citizenship, by examining the legal practice, virtually universal between the mid-nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, of the denaturalization of citizen women who married alien men. This practice, which emerged as a by-product of ... Read More

Of Irregular Votes and Robocalls: Resolving Disputed Elections in Canada and New Zealand

Andrew Geddis, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Otago Abstract: This paper begins with the broader question of how a constitutional order based upon a liberal-democratic commitment to letting the people choose their lawmakers ought to respond to allegations of flaws in its election process. After all, any large-scale human undertaking is bound to fall ... Read More

Social Science Evidence in Charter Litigation

Developments in Thirty Years of Fact Finding What have we learned? What could we do better? Event date: Friday, November 09, 2012, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Location: Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Opening Plenary Panel: The Challenges for Judges Justice Robert Sharpe (Ontario Court of Appeal); Justice Susan Himel (Ontario ... Read More

“Riffing on the Federalist”

Sanford Levinson W. St. John Garwood and W. St. John Garwood, Jr. Centennial Chair Professor of Government, School of Law University of Texas at Austin Event date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Location: Rowell Room, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Abstract: The Federalist is, without a doubt, ... Read More

Judging Social Rights

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE and the International Human Rights Program present Jeff King, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University College, London Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:30 – 2:00 Room FLC, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law 78 Queen’s Park Jeff King is a distinguished visitor this year at the Faculty of Law, teaching an intensive course on social ... Read More

Common Good, Public Reason and Constitutional Law

Wojciech Sadurski, University of Sydney The most feasible conception of the common good is one that refers to the legitimate motives for proposing and enacting collective authoritative decisions, which can be applied to, and complied with by, those who do not necessarily agree with the substantive merits of those decisions. Concretization of such a conception ... Read More

R v Morgentaler: Reflections After 25 Years

Panel Discussion On January 28, 1988, 25 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada’s abortion law using the still new Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The legal battle was long, dramatic and groundbreaking – including a police raid on a clinic, novel constitutional evidence and arguments, an extraordinary criminal jury trial, ... Read More

Social and Economic Rights – A South African Perspective

Zak Yacoob Former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa Event date: Thursday, February 14, 2013, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Location: Room B, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Judge Yacoob has been a judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. He is married to Anu. The couple have ... Read More

2013 Morris A Gross Memorial Lecture

The Honourable Lynn Smith The Quest for a Charter Equality Test: Has the Longest Way Round Been the Shortest Way Home? Watch the webcast here. Event date: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Location: Rowell Room, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Lynn Smith, B.A. (University of Calgary), LL.B. ... Read More

Respecting Democratic Constitutional Change

Craig Scott Member of Parliament for Toronto-Danforth This lecture will discuss the structure and philosophy of the Supreme Court of Canada's approach to the dynamics of constitutional change, including the stages necessary to move from the democratic expression of a desire for change to lawful amendment of the Constitution. Scott will discuss his legislative proposal, ... Read More

Exit, Voice, and Disloyalty

Constitutional Roundtable Professor Heather Gerkin Yale Law School Abstract: Much of constitutional theory is preoccupied with a single question: what does a democracy owe its minorities? And most of the answers to this question fit naturally into the two categories Hirschman made famous: voice and exit. On both the rights side and structural side of ... Read More

Clinic Application Deadline

CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: DAVID ASPER CENTRE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (LAW391H1F) FALL 2013 CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: HALF TERM CLINIC - WINTER 2014 University of Toronto, Faculty of Law students wishing to apply for these courses must email a 1-2 page statement of interest to Cheryl Milne, by July 3, 2013. Please indicate the following:   ... Read More

Deadline: Working Group Proposals

UofT law students who wish to submit proposals to lead voluntary Working Groups for the 2013-2014 year, must complete the proposals and submit them by 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2013.  

Deadline: Call for Papers – September 30, 2013

Constitutional Remedies: Are They Effective and Meaningful? Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, St. George Campus – February 28, 2014 The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights invites papers for its upcoming conference examining in detail the remedies available in constitutional litigation. The Centre invites papers that stimulate and develop an ongoing dialogue on the ... Read More

The Indigenous as Alien

Constitutional Roundtable Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies & Canada Research Chair in Citizenship and Multiculturalism  present Leti Volpp UC Berkeley School of Law The Indigenous as Alien Immigration law, as it is taught, studied, and researched in the United States, imagines away the fact of preexisting indigenous populations.  To show how this ... Read More

Asper Centre’s Fifth Anniversary Symposium

Event date: Friday, November 08, 2013, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: Victoria Chapel, Victoria College, University of Toronto The Asper Centre will celebrate 5 years of accomplishments with 2 panel discussions that explore the significance of the cases in which the Centre has intervened, followed by a reception. PROGRAM 1:00 - 1:15 p.m. ... Read More

Ethical Basis for Excluding Unauthorized Immigrants from the Affordable Care Act

Health Law, Ethics & Policy Workshop Series David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights & International Human Rights Program present SPEAKER:  Norman Daniels, Harvard School of Public Health Ethical Basis for Excluding Unauthorized Immigrants from the Affordable Care Act COMMENTATOR:  Audrey Macklin, University of Toronto Faculty of Law The Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) is intended to ... Read More

“Generous” to a Fault? The Supreme Court of Canada’s Approach to Section 6(1) of the Charter

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE SERIES presents John Norris Constitutional Litigator in Residence David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights "Generous" to a Fault?  The Supreme Court of Canada's Approach to Section 6(1) of the Charter John Norris maintains a trial and appellate practice in criminal, constitutional and national security law. He is a Special Advocate for security certificate ... Read More

Religious Diversity, Education, and the “Crisis” in State Neutrality

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE presents  Benjamin Berger Osgoode Hall Law School Religious Diversity, Education, and the “Crisis” in State Neutrality Education – and particularly public education – has become a crucible for the relationship between state and religious diversity, a principal site for contemporary debates about the meaning of secularism and the management of religious difference. This ... Read More

Constitutional Remedies: Are They Effective and Meaningful?

REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED LINK TO LIVE WEBCAST Keynote Address For more information contact Kara Norrington at The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights is hosting a conference examining in detail the remedies available in constitutional litigation. Papers and panel discussions will stimulate and develop an ongoing dialogue on the effectiveness of remedies. The goal ... Read More

Deepening Democratic Transformation in South Africa Through Participatory Constitutional Remedies

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE presents Sandra Liebenberg H.F. Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law University of Stellenbosch Law Faculty Deepening democratic transformation in South Africa through participatory constitutional remedies Prepared for Conference, Constitutional Remedies: Are they Effective and Meaningful? David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, University of Toronto There is an intimate association between the exercise of ... Read More

Privacy at Risk?

David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights and Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, Faculty of Law present Privacy at Risk? The NSA and CSEC, its Canadian Surveillance Partner Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:00 – 5:30 Emmanuel College, 75 Queen’s Park Crescent Room EM 001 Revelations by former NSA analyst Edward Snowden have drawn much needed ... Read More

Clinic Applications Deadline

CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: DAVID ASPER CENTRE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (LAW391H1F) FALL 2013 CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: HALF TERM CLINIC - WINTER 2014 University of Toronto, Faculty of Law students wishing to apply for these courses must email a 1-2 page statement of interest to Cheryl Milne, by July 7, 2014. Please indicate the following: (a) ... Read More

Foreign Relations Law

Campbell McLachlan, Q.C. Victoria University of Wellington Foreign Relations Law Reviewer/Discussant: Stephen Toope Friday, September 12, 2014 12:30 – 2:00 Solarium (room FA2), Falconer Hall 84 Queen’s Park What legal principles govern the external exercise of the public power of states within common law legal systems? Foreign Relations Law tackles three fundamental issues: the distribution ... Read More

The Case Against 8 – Special Screening

Battles Are Won Because They Are Fought! The Case Against 8 is a behind-the-scenes look inside the historic case to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage. The high-profile trial first makes headlines with the unlikely pairing of Ted Olson and David Boies, political foes who last faced off as opposing attorneys in Bush v Gore. ... Read More

Deadline: Call for Papers October 15, 2014

The Interplay between Sections 7 and 15 of the Charter Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, St. George Campus – February 27, 2015 The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights invites papers for its upcoming conference examining in detail the interplay between sections 7 and 15 of the Charter. The Centre invites papers that stimulate ... Read More

R v Kokopenace: The Panel

The Aboriginal Law Program Speaker Series and the Constitutional Roundtable present: “R v Kokopenace: The Panel” Heard before the Supreme Court on October 6, 2014, R v Kokopenace is a case concerning the representativeness of jury panels in Ontario, particularly with respect to First Nations people living on-reserve and the role of s. 6(8) of ... Read More

Wishful Thinking: The Supreme Court of Canada Looks at Canadian Democracy in the Charter Era

Mary Eberts Constitutional Litigator-in-Residence David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights University of Toronto Moderator: Yasmin Dawood University of Toronto Faculty of Law NOTE DATE CHANGE: Tuesday, November 18th 2014 12:30 - 2:00 Solarium (room FA2), Falconer Hall 84 Queen's Park MARY EBERTS received her legal education at Western and the Harvard Law School, and is ... Read More

Autonomy, Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The Foundations of Cooperative Federalism

CONSTITUTIONAL ROUNDTABLE presents Hugo Cyr, Université du Québec à Montréal Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Solarium (room FA2), Falconer Hall 84 Queen’s Park What does the constitutional principle of federalism entail? Instead of a detailed set of specific rules, the principle of federalism relies on a series of principles that distinguish federations from other political forms. ... Read More

Constitutional Roundtable- Richard Stacey

  Constitutional Roundtable presents Richard Stacey, Faculty of Law University of Toronto 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 5, 2015 Room 101, Victoria College Constitutional Law in the Absence of Constitution: Power in the Revolutionary Interregnum In early February 2011, the Egyptian armed forces assumed executive control of Egypt and suspended the 1971 Constitution. A ... Read More

Life, Liberty and Equality – Canadian-Style: The Interplay Between Sections 7 and 15 of the Charter

This half-day conference examined in detail the interplay between sections 7 and 15 of the Charter. Papers were presented that stimulated and developed an ongoing exploration of the relationship between sections 7 and 15. Issues addressed include: • Is equality a principle of fundamental justice under section 7? • How have the courts treated the ... Read More

Clinic Applications Deadline 2015

CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: DAVID ASPER CENTRE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (LAW391H1F) FALL 2015 CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION: HALF TERM CLINIC - WINTER 2016 University of Toronto, Faculty of Law students wishing to apply for these courses must email a 1-2 page statement of interest to Cheryl Milne, by noon on July 10, 2015. Please indicate the ... Read More