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A Quick Comparison: The Recent Solitary Confinement Rulings by BCSC and ONSC

By Ryan Howes The British Columbia Supreme Court (BCSC) and the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (ONSC) have both recently ruled that the current correctional practice of administrative segregation (or solitary … Read More

Asper Centre Students in Focus – Natasha Anzik

by Ryan Howes Natasha Anzik worked as a summer research student at the Asper Centre last year for her 1L summer. Natasha was interested in working in constitutional law because … Read More

Panel Discussion with TWU Interveners’ Counsel

By Erika Voaklander and Solomon McKenzie At the end of 2017 the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) heard arguments in the two Trinity Western University (TWU) appeals. The results of … Read More

Beverley McLachlin: Reflecting on 18 Years and Beyond

By Catherine Ma CBC’s Sunday Edition recently interviewed former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin prior to her retirement. Chief Justice McLachlin reflected on her own career, as well as the legal … Read More

Evaluating Ontario’s Proposed Police Legislation

By Sarah Strban   A (Slightly) Safer Ontario On November 2nd, the Ontario Legislature tabled an omnibus bill that comprehensively overhauls the province’s police oversight system. Bill 175, The Safer … Read More